-- Yes, keep doing a good job.
第二次麵試時第一次的那個人也在,另外還有他的老板和人事部 的頭也在,但我並沒有那個大老板的聯係方式,但HR的主管給了我名片,要單獨給他發嗎?第一次是通過郵件發的感謝信,如果這次還需要寫的話,是還發郵件呢 還是寄卡,雖然覺得沒戲,但這個過場還是要走吧.
-- Just write another email to whoever you know the email address. That's enough.
-- You really do not have to tell.
他們會不會和我 現在的公司聯係?
-- They will not if you fill NO in the application form.
-- If they didn't ask you, you do not need give reference list in the early stages of the interview.
-- Not a big deal. Case by Case. Don't worry too much.
-- The whole thing is to protect ourself...