回複:Job Search After Lay Off

來源: 比你還慘 2011-02-15 00:13:36 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (501 bytes)
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回答: Job Search After Lay Off比你還慘2011-02-14 23:50:00

One more thing to share, do not ever negotiate salary with HR recruiter, they could care less how much you get paid, they just want to fill the position, ALWAYS contact your hiring manager, once you get your hiring manager on your side, he or she is the person pays you, make sure you do your research and justify your salary number you desired. Say something like, base on my research the salary range in our area is from 80K to 90K, but I'm willing to take 78k or 80k.



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