很想找到怎樣讓自己不要那麽CARE的辦法 - It's very easy

回答: Because I am not rewarded by myCirrusCloud2011-02-11 14:37:37

I’m with you on altitude with regard to your job. My motto is, we must justify our pay-cheques and do our best, always! I actually despise those who regard their companies as their ATM machines. Frankly, only the incompetent does so as indicated by “The Peter Principle”.

It’s nothing wrong for you to care about your work but this is not an issue about “care” or “not care”. It is more an issue about when to care and the way to care. We do care many things – family, life, job, customers and so on. In terms of “when to care”, the key thing here is to separate work from life. You may think it’s easier said than done but if you think it in this way and you’ll get used to it very quickly.

In terms of the way to care, well, you have to figure it out yourself. :)

P.S. your job, your company and your workmates may not be always in sync as you wished.
