先說幾年前我和我認識的2個人經曆,我是2007年,用多大的評估在RAINBOW Bridge 獲得TN的。(當時俺的多大碩士學位還沒被批準。所以用的是中國的文憑)。 一同事也是同一年(India)在RAINBOW Bridge 用多大的評估獲得TN的。另一同事(國人女)在2008年,在Peace Bridge 用多大的評估也獲得TN的。都沒一點問題。當然,這幾個sampling(抽樣)太小,不能說明問題。所以想在這探討一下。
對369老絲提的情況,我在2008年Rolia論壇上見到有人提過,不過他是在靠近Montreal的關口簽的。當時俺懷疑他的TN letter沒準備好,就將我的TN letter sample給了他。之後就沒消息了。不知他後來過了沒。
1) TN visa 是NAFTA(北美自由貿易區協議)一個supplement of North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC)。 A mutual agreement between USA and CANADA,OR MEXCO。既然是北美自由貿易區協議,這三個國家的學曆就該互相認可。對加拿大和MEXICO的大學學位,美國也必須認可。當然(H-1B)美國可以對加拿大的學曆要求學曆評估,因為它不是NAFTA中的條款。這就是為什麽我在今年申請H-1B 時,律師為慎重起見把我的多倫多大學的學曆做了評估.
2) 既然三個國家的大學在NAFTA中相互認可,那末多倫多大學的比較教育評估就應該沒問題。
3) Below is from USCIS:
Education: The applicant's employer must submit proof that the applicant meets the minimum education requirements or has the alternative credentials set forth in NAFTA agreement, chapter 16 appendix 1603.d.1. Evidence of professional qualifications may be in the form of degrees, certificates, diplomas, professional licenses, or membership in a professional organization. Degrees, diplomas, or certificates received from an educational institution outside the U.S., Canada, or Mexico must be accompanied by an evaluation by a reliable credentials evaluation service specializing in evaluating foreign documentation. Refer to 8 C.F.R. § 214.6 (d) (3) (ii) and Cronin Memo (July 24, 2000)
The Comparative Education Service (CES) of the University of Toronto is a reliable credentials evaluation service in CANADA for sure.