Just came back from a funeral service...

來源: xyxb 2011-01-14 14:24:39 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4500 bytes)

Just got back from a funeral service for a colleague.  No, I did not cry my eyes out, but to be honest, the service was very moving, and, as at other funeral services I have attended, there were not many dry eyes by the time all the eulogies were delivered....


Which made me think of a Chinese literary giant of the 20th century who left clear instructions for not making a big fuss over his passing.  Something to ponder over this upcoming holiday weekend: How would I like my funeral to be handled if I were to drop off/check out without prior warning (I am not yet of the dying age yet, but who knows, anything could happen these days)?



Funeral is no excuse for accepting charities
donations from friends excluded.
The sooner my remains are prepared for burial and interred, the better
no need to fuss over formalities.
Thanks, but no memorial activities, please.
Forget me; carry on with your own life
otherwise, you are a true fool.
When the kid is grown, if he lacks talent or special skills, encourage him to make a living by leading an ordinary person
s life; avoid at all costs becoming a sham literati or artist.
t take others
promises too seriously.

Steer clear of anyone who attacks others yet advocating tolerance by striking a pacifist posture.



請注明1-7是魯迅遺囑 -顧曲- 給 顧曲 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/05/2011 postreply 22:59:09



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