1。記錄自己的麵試 on record。你會看到自己的不足。
2。麵試是緣分和直觀感覺。我們做我們能做的,麵試後send thank you letter max follow up letter.忘記他。
3。不要段apply job.
if it is yours, you will know. if it is not yours, no matter how hard you try, it will not work. move on... (easy to say, difficult to do)
I know it is very difficult and frusting. I have 4-5 years experience and good background. I spent 1.5-2 years finally find job. I know how difficult it is.the city I live there are a lot of people do not have job. always there are somep eople have more experience or some part is stronger than me. OR the company you do not want to work for ( I still went to for interview)no matter what do not give up. keep doing it. you will find something you belong to.
Sorry for typing english, english is easy to type than chinese. Hope you will find the job you belong to for a while.