just finished management refresher

來源: Kaolin007 2010-12-10 06:01:56 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (7357 bytes)

yesterday. It's exactly the case being talking about. The training material (copy/paste).


Each of us is responsible for treating coworkers and others with mutual respect. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated.

In this course, you'll witness different varieties of harassment that can occur in the workplace. You'll also see how employees and supervisors who practice mutual respect can avoid this type of conduct.

On this page are some of the people who will play a role in this story.

Employees are responsible for contributing to a positive work environment that is free of sexual harassment and other inappropriate behavior.

The Company strives to create a workplace that is free of harassment and other inappropriate behavior. We all know that obscene material or unwelcome physical contact is inappropriate at work, but we must remember that less extreme behavior can also create an uncomfortable environment—and violate Company policy and even the law.

Employees must know and follow the Company's freedom-from-harassment policy. Behavior that one employee may regard as "harmless" or "fun," another employee may find offensive. You should avoid all sexual comments, behavior, and materials at work.

If you witness or learn about inappropriate behavior or material in the workplace, report it to your manager or contact the Human Resources Department.

Avoid even subtle types of inappropriate behavior in the workplace—for instance, making romantic advances towards a coworker who has objected to the attention.

Do not subject another employee to unwelcome romantic or sexual attention. This includes:

  • repeated sexual flirtation, advances, or propositions
  • discussing sexual activities—yours or anyone else's
  • comments about an individual's body or physical appearance
  • sexually oriented jokes
  • inappropriate touching

Because it is sometimes difficult to determine whether particular behavior actually qualifies as "harassment," the best course is to avoid any behavior of a sexual nature at work.

If a coworker tells you that your actions make him or her uncomfortable, take it seriously, and apologize. If a coworker's actions are making you uncomfortable, you should ask him or her to stop, if you feel comfortable doing so. You can also report the behavior to your manager or to Human Resources.

If you experience or witness harassment, don't ignore it.

There is no reason to put up with harassment—whether it's directed at you or others. There are resources to help you, and the Company will take your concerns seriously. If you're comfortable doing so, talk to the person about the behavior. Otherwise, report it. All reports of harassment or discrimination will be investigated and corrective steps taken.

Company managers are expected to make sure this policy is understood and followed. Any manager who learns of a possible violation of Company policy must take action. Failure to act may expose a manager—and the Company—to serious consequences.

It's everyone's responsibility to help keep the workplace free of harassment. We're counting on you to report any incidents of harassment so that we can address the problem

No one may retaliate against an employee who reports harassment or cooperates in an investigation regarding possible harassment.

Retaliation against an employee who reports harassment or participates in an investigation is strictly prohibited. In fact, retaliation itself is potentially a form of harassment or discrimination. Employees—including supervisory or management employees—who engage in retaliation will be disciplined, up to and including termination of employment.

Supervisors and other management employees must:
  • help prevent harassing behavior, the creation of a hostile work environment, and similar situations from occurring in the first place
  • listen to employee reports and complaints about alleged harassment
  • report any suspected harassment to the Human Resources Department immediately
  • ensure that there is no retaliation against employees who report harassment or cooperate in an investigation—and report any retaliation that does occur

If you experience or witness retaliation, report it to Human Resources or use the Company's compliance helpline.

All employees must cooperate with all harassment investigations. No one may interfere in a harassment investigation.

Employees must be given a fair hearing for complaints they make in good faith. The Company's procedures must be followed when investigating and resolving harassment complaints.

Retaliation against an employee for reporting harassment or for cooperating in an investigation is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, threats, intimidation, or coercion of any sort.

In addition, employees may not interfere in a pending investigation




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