回複:Would you please FedEx me the full package, I will review it.

Thank you very much, 美國老土。

I will try to attend the meeting tonight. but I am at east coast and it's quite late since need to get up early for work tomorrow morning.

Thanks again.


We discussed how to do negotiation -美國老土- 給 美國老土 發送悄悄話 美國老土 的博客首頁 (139 bytes) () 12/01/2010 postreply 22:03:41

回複:We discussed how to do negotiation -寧靜致遠9- 給 寧靜致遠9 發送悄悄話 寧靜致遠9 的博客首頁 (96 bytes) () 12/05/2010 postreply 14:03:29
