1。歧視。 I am not sure if this is a real reason. used to have both white and black guys and girls as reports. My boss and I gave them rating and bonus. I ahve to say the pay is mostly based on how much contribution one provided to key programs. Side project, even though it could be harder to achieve, would not gain much from compensation perspective. So critical path is the one thing people fight for. if one tends to stay outside the mainstream, then yoru chances are very limited.
2。英文不好,進不了管理層。I don't think English is the determinant factor here. Of course it is important. But not the only and main factor. culture fit is more important to get into the top management. So anyone who wants to get to the top level, the best chance is now and in Chinese market. With the shift of business towards pacific, high level opportunities will be open to adjust the need there and grow tremendously. Even the most conservative companies are moving to that direction. So...
3。市場所決定。如果你不接受,自然有人會接受,this is true when the position can be filled by less competent people. if a position requires particular skills that are hard to find in the market then it is certainly to the seller's benefit. But one needs to have a careful assessment of the skill. Is it really that hard to get or it is just one's own view. I have heard too many people say that they can do what others can't. this is a very bold statement. No one is irreplacable. have to remember that.