-- Congratulations!
但是目前給的薪水,和我的期望有差距。我跟中介提了,希望能夠negociate salary。今天中介的經理給我打電話,說是他們和這個公司合作多年,認為公司給我的薪水算是沒有谘詢背景的人裏麵比較高的了。
-- 人販子 is our partner;
-- This is a standard answer.
-- Usually 人販子will take 35% to 40% of your pay as their commission.
-- For example: 東家pay 人販子 $85/hour, 人販子 pay you $50 - $55/hr.
-- Good point;
-- However, unless you get another solid offer, your do not have much power at this position and this moment.
-- They always say this way.
-- This is their standard answer.
-- The truth is: if they pay you more, they will cut their own commission.>/b>
我的問題是:中介這種說法合理麽?我就是想negociate my salary,最多也就是公司不接受我的價錢,但是總不至於把offer收回吧。
-- It totally depends on whether you have a nother offer or not.
-- You can pretend you have a nother offer in hand, see how far you can go in this game.
-- Usually it is not easy for 人煩子 to reach this stage of the deal, they already told 東家 that you will come, so it is not easy for them to deny you and start everything from step 1 again to find another you. It may not be able to find a nother you as good as YOU.
-- Therefore, you can negotiate, tell them a number you want, see how far they can go.
-- They may eventually increase $2 or $3/hr for you.
-- Yes, the chance exist that they may turn down the offer;
-- Talk, talk talk, 技巧, 技巧...
大家幫我看看吧。因為之前都是畢業生工作,所以沒和中介打過交道。大家覺 得中介這樣做合理麽?我是否可以試一下呢。萬分感謝!
-- 祝賀offer!
-- 祝咱談判成功! This will be 咱的 experience!
人們要想得到工作的勝利即得到預想的結果,一定要使自己的思想合於客觀外界的規律性,如果不合,就會在實踐中失敗。人們經 過失敗之後,也就從失敗取得教訓,改正自己的思想使之適合於外界的規律性,人們就能變失敗為勝利,所謂“失敗者成功之母”,“吃一塹長一智”,就是這個道 理。