轉一個:How to Overcome the Catch-22 of Finding a Job with No Experi

本文內容已被 [ just_kidding ] 在 2010-11-04 09:24:11 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

Well, the q and a part of the article does not really provide a valid solution to the problem. But I feel the last two comments of the essay are very telling.

the complete q&a + comments are at:


the comments that strike me are pasted below:


That's funny, even most help desk jobs from what I've seen require 3+ years of experience too. I feel the original email writers pain...I have A+ and CCNA along with a 3.5 gpa and being part of an honors society at my school and still can't find anything. I've been looking for two years now. I already have a BA in a different field and now trying for my AS in technology. It's just sad that education no longer means anything besides a large debt.


It's very frustrating these days for people with little or no experience to break into the IT field. Reason is, there are only a few job openings here and there and there are tons of people available for a single job position. Most of the times even before the job opening hits the jobs search sites the position is already filled via internal moves or some employee's reference. These are the days of social networking and making connection. If you don't have professional connections you're just another person in the huge crowd - it doesn't matter if you have a degree or work experience.
