請指教!- answers of company internal survey questions. Thanks!

因為在公司是少數民族之一(性別和文化背景),我被指定下周和一HR officer 有一個1 hour meeting,做一個公司總部大老板組織的internal survey, questions list 已經發給我了,有一些問題我想請教大家如何去應付。請各位幫助並指教,先謝謝各位!


1.what would you like to change about your job?

(I am happy with the my job so far)

2.Do you enjoy variety in your work? If so, is this need being met?

3.Do you see others being "given a go" over what you believe you could do?

(I am not sure if I understand this question correctly)

4.Could you and your manager's relationship be improved? If so, how?

(I get along well with managers)

5.Do you think you are being pushed too hard at work or not hard enough?

(工作量時少時多,但忙時已得到老板和同事的大量支持,閑是因為沒有足夠的projects - 不想和HR涉及到這一點,所以應如何應答?)


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