LinkedIn 是一把雙刃劍

回答: 陌生的人販xiuxiu_2002010-10-26 19:01:29

It depends. LinkedIn is really a double-edged sword. It can help you connect to more potential jobs; It also discloses your secrets. What an embarrassment when you find out your trusted boss gets connected to a previous co-worker whom you know would never say good things about you! :-( Good appraisals about you travel as quickly as bad rumors.

Headhunters are the media that helps spread it around more effectively. I use them with caution. I talk to or email to a lot of them but refuse to Link them In.


Thank you for the advice. -xiuxiu_200- 給 xiuxiu_200 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/27/2010 postreply 04:16:13
