回複:大家怎麽看去外地工作? 一直不想去外地工作,但是獵頭聯係也沒有拒絕

來源: greentree2010 2010-10-15 17:13:03 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (460 bytes)

人家給了奧佛,你不去,等於堵死了自己將來的路. 不懂,請解釋一下嗎? 如果你不簽, 應該沒問題.

If I were you, I will think the balance of between your job and your son.特別是他的高中教育(more important then in collage) and only time left you stay with him.另一方麵,你son need your support,like driver,study,more. Income is better, when you have a job.It is a realy hard desigin. 魚 or 熊掌?  you need think more circumstantiality. Good luck!



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