
來源: 美國老土 2010-10-01 22:28:12 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (14276 bytes)
回答: 該繼續讀學位嗎? 該讀什麽呢?想破腦袋2010-10-01 21:28:56
[9/29/2010 9:46:01 PM] Lishin: Hi, Lao Tu:
[9/29/2010 9:46:17 PM] Lishin: I just figured out to set connection to my server
[9/29/2010 9:46:28 PM] Lishin: but I can not login your server
[9/29/2010 9:46:38 PM] Lishin: Is your server opened now?
[9/29/2010 9:48:50 PM] Lao Tu: cool!
[9/29/2010 9:49:10 PM] Lishin: Thank you for the link about how to set the server connection
[9/29/2010 9:49:21 PM] Lao Tu: you are welcome
[9/29/2010 9:49:24 PM] Lao Tu: You are DBA now
[9/29/2010 9:49:42 PM] Lishin: BUt I can not connect your server use the user name alanalan
[9/29/2010 9:49:55 PM] Lishin: Is your server opened now?
[9/29/2010 9:49:59 PM] Lao Tu: yes
[9/29/2010 9:50:09 PM] Lao Tu: ping dba.selfip.com from DOS
[9/29/2010 9:50:12 PM] Lao Tu: from DOS
[9/29/2010 9:50:25 PM] Lao Tu: see if you can ping
[9/29/2010 9:50:29 PM] Lao Tu: this is the first step
[9/29/2010 9:51:04 PM] Lishin: it works good , around 90ms
[9/29/2010 9:51:13 PM] Lao Tu: ok,
[9/29/2010 9:51:31 PM] Lao Tu: second step: try login use sqlcmd
[9/29/2010 9:52:18 PM] Lishin: OK. To your server, user alanalan and pw alanalan?
[9/29/2010 9:52:30 PM] Lao Tu: yes
[9/29/2010 9:52:55 PM] Lishin: I just login your server by management studio. I am trying dos now
[9/29/2010 9:53:19 PM] Lao Tu: cool!
[9/29/2010 9:53:48 PM] Lao Tu: Congratualtions! this is exactly the case in work
[9/29/2010 9:53:57 PM] Lao Tu: You connect to server cross network.
[9/29/2010 9:54:28 PM] Lao Tu: Use Studio will be good enough, it is easy and populer to use
[9/29/2010 9:54:30 PM] Lishin: But dos window did not work. Need I close my management studio?
[9/29/2010 9:54:39 PM] Lao Tu: sqlcmd is not easy to use.
[9/29/2010 9:54:46 PM] Lishin: login timeout
[9/29/2010 9:54:53 PM] Lao Tu: no, not need close.
[9/29/2010 9:55:07 PM] Lao Tu: show me the command line you used.
[9/29/2010 9:55:23 PM] Lishin: server not accessible
[9/29/2010 9:55:54 PM] Lao Tu: show me the command
[9/29/2010 9:56:31 PM] Lishin: sqlcmd -S www.microhoo.comMSSQLSERVER,1433 -U alanalan -P alanalan
[9/29/2010 9:56:52 PM] Lao Tu: no
[9/29/2010 9:57:00 PM] Lao Tu: who told you this?
[9/29/2010 9:57:06 PM] Lishin: ?
[9/29/2010 9:57:41 PM] Lishin: the remote database and DB link.txt in Chapter 16
[9/29/2010 9:57:52 PM] Lao Tu: sqlcmd -S www.microhoo.comMSSQLSERVER,1433 -U alanalan -P alanalan
[9/29/2010 9:57:54 PM] Lao Tu: wait
[9/29/2010 9:58:04 PM] Lao Tu: let me give you a correct one
[9/29/2010 9:58:07 PM] Lao Tu: here:
[9/29/2010 9:58:58 PM] Lao Tu: sqlcmd -Stcp:dba.microhoo.comMSSQLSERVER,1433 -U alanalan -P alanalan
[9/29/2010 9:59:01 PM] Lao Tu: try it
[9/29/2010 9:59:11 PM] Lishin: OK
[9/29/2010 10:00:47 PM] Lishin: "login failed for alanalan"
[9/29/2010 10:01:08 PM] Lao Tu: good error, connected at least
[9/29/2010 10:01:47 PM] Lao Tu: try this:
[9/29/2010 10:01:52 PM] Lishin: And I just ran a query in the management studio (4-03a), it failed too, shown: OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "DBServer" returned message "Login timeout expired".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "DBServer" returned message "A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.".
[9/29/2010 10:02:32 PM] Lao Tu: I see.
[9/29/2010 10:02:36 PM] Lao Tu: Interesting.
[9/29/2010 10:02:56 PM] Lao Tu: Let me do some check, then we try next time.
[9/29/2010 10:03:12 PM] Lao Tu: Seems like you made great progress.
[9/29/2010 10:03:18 PM] Lishin: you mean later today ot tomorrow?
[9/29/2010 10:03:30 PM] Lao Tu: today is too late for you.
[9/29/2010 10:03:54 PM] Lishin: Thank you. You are really a good teaher. I am not good at computer stuffs
[9/29/2010 10:04:26 PM] Lishin: OK, we may try tomorrow at 8pm at your time?
[9/29/2010 10:04:45 PM] Lao Tu: try this now:
[9/29/2010 10:04:48 PM] Lao Tu: sqlcmd -Stcp:dba.microhoo.comMSSQLSERVER,1433 -U alanalan
[9/29/2010 10:04:55 PM] Lishin: OK
[9/29/2010 10:05:16 PM] Lao Tu: See if you get the connect.
[9/29/2010 10:05:51 PM] Lishin: I just noticed that I used the database AP in your server in Management studio (script 4-03a). Does alanalan has the privilliage?
[9/29/2010 10:06:05 PM] Lao Tu: of course
[9/29/2010 10:06:07 PM] Lao Tu: I give it.
[9/29/2010 10:06:14 PM] Lao Tu: haha, so you connected?
[9/29/2010 10:06:51 PM] Lishin: I think so
[9/29/2010 10:06:54 PM] Lishin: asked me pw
[9/29/2010 10:06:59 PM] Lao Tu: nice
[9/29/2010 10:07:04 PM] Lishin: I am typing pw now
[9/29/2010 10:07:24 PM] Lishin: Yes. Connected
[9/29/2010 10:07:29 PM] Lishin: :)
[9/29/2010 10:07:31 PM] Lao Tu: You English is great!
[9/29/2010 10:07:35 PM] Lao Tu: Wow!
[9/29/2010 10:07:46 PM] Lishin: I will try 4-03a again
[9/29/2010 10:07:56 PM] Lao Tu: When do work, we all use Messenger like this.
[9/29/2010 10:08:19 PM] Lishin: Thanks
[9/29/2010 10:08:26 PM] Lao Tu: communicate each other all over the world.
[9/29/2010 10:08:42 PM] Lishin: The script still not work
[9/29/2010 10:08:45 PM] Lao Tu: manage database here and their. In different data centers.
[9/29/2010 10:08:50 PM] Lishin: USE AP

SELECT VendorName, CustLastName, CustFirstName,
VendorState AS State, VendorCity AS City
FROM DBServer.AP.dbo.Vendors AS Vendors
JOIN DBServer.ProductOrders.dbo.Customers AS Customers
ON Vendors.VendorZipCode = Customers.CustZip
ORDER BY State, City
[9/29/2010 10:08:59 PM] Lao Tu: Don't worry too much about the script.
[9/29/2010 10:09:05 PM] Lao Tu: Get the idea,
[9/29/2010 10:09:12 PM] Lishin: I gain valuable experience:)
[9/29/2010 10:09:23 PM] Lao Tu: know how to access remote database, this is most important
[9/29/2010 10:09:39 PM] Lao Tu: Happy witht the class so far?
[9/29/2010 10:09:59 PM] Lishin: Sure
[9/29/2010 10:10:12 PM] Lishin: definately
[9/29/2010 10:10:20 PM] Lao Tu: Know how to answer question about how to connect o tdatabase in data center in the interview?
[9/29/2010 10:10:41 PM] Lishin: I get so much confidence trough teh Access class and SQL server class
[9/29/2010 10:11:01 PM] Lao Tu: Nice to here.
[9/29/2010 10:11:34 PM] Lishin: I want to write my resume in the near future, can you help me to check my resume when I am done?
[9/29/2010 10:11:46 PM] Lao Tu: yes,
[9/29/2010 10:11:52 PM] Lao Tu: have you get the resume sample?
[9/29/2010 10:12:05 PM] Lishin: Yes, from your website.
[9/29/2010 10:12:11 PM] Lao Tu: no,
[9/29/2010 10:12:16 PM] Lishin: it is a template.
[9/29/2010 10:12:19 PM] Lao Tu: the sample for students only.
[9/29/2010 10:12:25 PM] Lishin: Do you have some other sample resumes?
[9/29/2010 10:12:32 PM] Lao Tu: of course
[9/29/2010 10:12:38 PM] Lao Tu: Who am I?
[9/29/2010 10:12:38 PM] Lishin: No, I did not
[9/29/2010 10:12:44 PM] Lishin: WoW
[9/29/2010 10:12:50 PM] Lishin: I am so happy!
[9/29/2010 10:12:57 PM] Lao Tu: Now you know.
[9/29/2010 10:12:58 PM] Lishin: Can you email me?
[9/29/2010 10:13:04 PM] Lao Tu: yes, will do.
[9/29/2010 10:13:16 PM] Lao Tu: Usually students do resume after three month of study.
[9/29/2010 10:13:20 PM] Lao Tu: You are so fast.
[9/29/2010 10:13:23 PM] Lishin: I am really lucky to meet you when I am so confued about my future
[9/29/2010 10:13:35 PM] Lao Tu: Told you ....
[9/29/2010 10:14:03 PM] Lishin: Many many thanks
[9/29/2010 10:14:11 PM] Lao Tu: you are welcome,
[9/29/2010 10:14:24 PM] Lao Tu: As said as long as you want to change, I will help as I can.
[9/29/2010 10:14:27 PM] Lishin: Hope I also have the good luck as your previous students
[9/29/2010 10:14:37 PM] Lao Tu: You will.
[9/29/2010 10:14:39 PM] Lishin: A huge help
[9/29/2010 10:14:58 PM] Lao Tu: You have excellent English... This is very important.
[9/29/2010 10:15:23 PM] Lishin: Would you please email me the stuffs which can help me in my job hunting?
[9/29/2010 10:15:30 PM] Lishin: Thanks
[9/29/2010 10:15:36 PM] Lao Tu: what stuffs?
[9/29/2010 10:15:46 PM] Lishin: the resume samples
[9/29/2010 10:15:51 PM] Lao Tu: of course.
[9/29/2010 10:16:11 PM] Lao Tu: let me do it now. wait
[9/29/2010 10:16:33 PM] Lishin: I want to try soon to build up my interview skills
[9/29/2010 10:16:42 PM] Lishin: 3x
[9/29/2010 10:18:39 PM] Lao Tu: two resume sent.
[9/29/2010 10:18:43 PM] Lishin: I will review the classes during my job hunting process
[9/29/2010 10:18:56 PM] Lishin: Thank you!
[9/29/2010 10:18:59 PM] Lao Tu: Don't be too hurry. MOre prepare will help for the interview.
[9/29/2010 10:19:05 PM] Lishin: I got them
[9/29/2010 10:19:20 PM] Lishin: I think you are right
[9/29/2010 10:19:47 PM] Lishin: First get the resume ready and keep up studying
[9/29/2010 10:20:14 PM] Lao Tu: You studyed only one month, right?
[9/29/2010 10:20:20 PM] Lishin: 2 months
[9/29/2010 10:20:25 PM] Lao Tu: I see,
[9/29/2010 10:20:37 PM] Lao Tu: Can you believe how much you learned.
[9/29/2010 10:20:57 PM] Lishin: Access one month and SQL server one month. I am full time study at home now. I got gap from May to now
[9/29/2010 10:21:17 PM] Lao Tu: Come on. that's short.
[9/29/2010 10:21:49 PM] Lao Tu: Please re watch the class video, take care the details which you missed before.
[9/29/2010 10:22:14 PM] Lao Tu: I mean the key point you missed previously, they are useful for the interview.
[9/29/2010 10:22:26 PM] Lishin: I am worry about my background, Materials Science PhD + 2 years postdoc to look for database jobs. But I reaaly like data jobs
[9/29/2010 10:22:55 PM] Lao Tu: No problem...
[9/29/2010 10:23:14 PM] Lishin: I will, I think the discussion about job hunting is very important for me
[9/29/2010 10:23:26 PM] Lishin: in the class
[9/29/2010 10:23:47 PM] Lishin: The classmates are very active and that's very helpful
[9/29/2010 10:23:56 PM] Lao Tu: That's what I mean.
[9/29/2010 10:24:22 PM] Lao Tu: And the teacher is not too bad to ansert the questions.
[9/29/2010 10:25:02 PM] Lishin: The teacher is the most wonderful part!
[9/29/2010 10:25:15 PM] Lao Tu: Thanks!
[9/29/2010 10:25:21 PM] Lao Tu: I let you go.
[9/29/2010 10:25:33 PM] Lishin: Have a good night
[9/29/2010 10:25:33 PM] Lao Tu: let me know if you have questions.
[9/29/2010 10:25:38 PM] Lao Tu: Yu too!
[9/29/2010 10:25:55 PM] Lishin: I will. bye
[9/29/2010 10:25:59 PM] Lao Tu: 88
[9/29/2010 10:26:46 PM] Lao Tu: wait ,
[9/29/2010 10:26:50 PM] Lao Tu: in there?
[9/29/2010 10:26:52 PM] Lishin: yes
[9/29/2010 10:26:57 PM] Lao Tu: You connected , do you?
[9/29/2010 10:27:05 PM] Lao Tu: I mean connect to my server.
[9/29/2010 10:27:19 PM] Lishin: I just closed the dos and te management windows
[9/29/2010 10:27:26 PM] Lishin: but I can connect them now
[9/29/2010 10:27:53 PM] Lao Tu: not need, I just want oto make sure your problem get solved.
[9/29/2010 10:28:01 PM] Lao Tu: What was the problem?
[9/29/2010 10:28:11 PM] Lao Tu: Why you can't connect previously?
[9/29/2010 10:28:22 PM] Lao Tu: use www.microhoo.com is a wrong name.
[9/29/2010 10:29:09 PM] Lishin: I think before tonight, I did not set the SQL SERVER port in my computer
[9/29/2010 10:29:29 PM] Lao Tu: That's about connect to your server.
[9/29/2010 10:29:38 PM] Lishin: And I did not set TCP/IP enabled in the configuration mangement
[9/29/2010 10:29:39 PM] Lao Tu: Why failed connect to my server?
[9/29/2010 10:30:17 PM] Lishin: I do not know, and it works later
[9/29/2010 10:30:43 PM] Lishin: Maybe I need to set my comepter before to connect to your server?
[9/29/2010 10:30:51 PM] Lao Tu: no.
[9/29/2010 10:31:04 PM] Lao Tu: This is the command which worked:
[9/29/2010 10:31:07 PM] Lao Tu: sqlcmd -Stcp:dba.microhoo.comMSSQLSERVER,1433 -U alanalan
[9/29/2010 10:31:22 PM] Lao Tu: You didn't use tcp previously.
[9/29/2010 10:31:35 PM] Lao Tu: and you used www.microhoo.com
[9/29/2010 10:31:38 PM] Lishin: Yes
[9/29/2010 10:31:57 PM] Lishin: but in the class you said we may not use that.
[9/29/2010 10:32:06 PM] Lao Tu: correct.
[9/29/2010 10:32:07 PM] Lishin: Oh
[9/29/2010 10:32:16 PM] Lishin: I see
[9/29/2010 10:32:32 PM] Lao Tu: OK, I will leave the server and your login Open for you to use.
[9/29/2010 10:32:35 PM] Lishin: I used www.microhoo.com, not dba!
[9/29/2010 10:32:43 PM] Lao Tu: So you can practice anytime you like
[9/29/2010 10:32:59 PM] Lao Tu: Don't dump large volume of data into the database.
[9/29/2010 10:33:12 PM] Lao Tu: You can drop tables if you like.
[9/29/2010 10:33:33 PM] Lishin: And when I typed following your guide and it works. and I did not reallized I used www.... before:(
[9/29/2010 10:34:28 PM] Lishin: get connected!
[9/29/2010 10:34:43 PM] Lao Tu: all the candidate can read book learn some SQL, but onle few people did the real remote loing in work know how to conenct to remote database in data center.
[9/29/2010 10:35:09 PM] Lao Tu: This is the reason why many people failed on the interview when asked this question.
[9/29/2010 10:35:21 PM] Lishin: That's ture. They do not have such good conditions
[9/29/2010 10:35:22 PM] Lao Tu: They know immediately you have experience or not.
[9/29/2010 10:35:36 PM] Lao Tu: Glad now you have it.
[9/29/2010 10:35:50 PM] Lishin: Now, I gain more confidence
[9/29/2010 10:36:08 PM] Lao Tu: Yes, I feel it is not far for you to leand a job.
[9/29/2010 10:36:56 PM] Lishin: Thank you for pointing the error of "www...." I did not know it before your point out.
[9/29/2010 10:37:09 PM] Lishin: Thank you for your great help and kind words
[9/29/2010 10:37:36 PM] Lao Tu: yrw
[9/29/2010 10:37:43 PM] Lao Tu: good night now!
[9/29/2010 10:37:54 PM] Lishin: Good night!
[9/29/2010 10:38:08 PM] Lishin: Bye now


看了,我隻看到兩個詞:connected/disconnected. -吃糖?- 給 吃糖? 發送悄悄話 (26 bytes) () 10/02/2010 postreply 10:03:44

糖先生好眼力! 那晚的主題活動都讓你看出來了. -美國老土- 給 美國老土 發送悄悄話 美國老土 的博客首頁 (730 bytes) () 10/02/2010 postreply 16:40:41



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