
周一有一個麵試, 感覺總體不錯, 昨天(周三)給RECRUITER 去信問,說還沒收到FEEDBACK。估計差不多沒戲了。
-- This is not true.
-- You still have hope. Give them time, they have more important things to do.

因為工作很喜歡, 就想再問問, 不行再MOVE ON 唄。
-- Keep move on after the interview, do not have to wait.

我麵試當天已經發了感謝信了, 想找找進一步給HIRING MANAGER FOLLOW UP 的信的模版, 不知怎樣措詞妥當,請大家推薦或出注意,

-- Dear Johnny,
How are you doing?
I am still excited about the great position to work in your team, can't wait to start. As I eamiled you previously, I feel more confident after the interview.
Would you please let me know once the decision is made?

Warm regards,

Sincerely Yours,



怪不得壇子裏土哥名望高, 人氣勝呢, 如此體諒我們找工的甘苦, 想不感激都不行呢。 -若雨- 給 若雨 發送悄悄話 若雨 的博客首頁 (137 bytes) () 09/23/2010 postreply 09:15:08

有詩讚曰 -胡說之- 給 胡說之 發送悄悄話 胡說之 的博客首頁 (52 bytes) () 09/23/2010 postreply 10:03:29
