I am seeing this (HR warning) as a guidance of my futher work. But I will not sigN the paper because:
1) it is not in any of the client delivery, so no damage is done
2) the 'proof' showed to HR can not be treated as the real proof because the time stamps changed, it could have been modified
(boss name),
In the future, could you talk to me in our weekly 1:1 meeting if you see any problem with me? I would be happy to change any of my behaviors that are not in align with company rules/guidelines, unless it has casusd damage or unless I fail to change after the warning from you?
That will be equally or more effective for my improvement and will not spend grandboss's and HR's time unless it is very necessary?
my translation
Please don't make jokes. I feel very bad now.
(33 bytes)
09/22/2010 postreply
sorry, but you're obviously making another mistake
(25 bytes)
09/22/2010 postreply