
部門最近重組, 雙向選擇 - 本人選責了據說worklife balance 很好的組. 新的小組長和上麵的大頭都是別的組來的, 本人與他們都不熟. I also came from ohter group.
現在產品正在設計階段, 組裏正在給每個人feature ownership. 開始我feature 是在別lead 轄區, 我覺得這樣不好, 就要求做自己頭手下feature. 誰料, 我feature 被削掉了, 需要重新找新feature. 別組有一級別比自己高一級的A也處於同樣情況. 頭頭門討論時, 有人提出讓A 與另一級別更低B(比我低一級) 共同測試一個feature. 結果有人反對, 提出讓我share. 我lead 不同意, because A and me are both senior, If A can not share with B and there is some concern ther, why I should share with B?

However, the lead that supports A are the former followers of the my lead's manager. according to my lead, my lead did not get trust from her manger and so did I. I was given some feature to test right after I moved to this group which according to my lead is a test for my capabilty.

I am not a very social person and nor am I good at selling myself. According to my observation, people who shouted out loud in this group get their interest satified. so far I am playing any key functional role, but my performance in my former group are the top.

I am frusted on not getting trusted. My former manager willing to let me join his new group (we separate because our former group no longer exist and my former manager went to pretty heavy workload group). My current lead has tell me (seems like to me) everything - she even said that the other people has God father (the test manager) and she said she will see how things go and wait for a year to decide whether she will stay or move. According to her, the leads already grouped into to - inside (close to the manager ) and outsider.

I am swinging on whether to move to a different group or not = if stay, I will for sure been alwasys wondering abou the relationship, however, the product itself is really very light - worklife balance should be pretty good. if move, then my former lead will support me inside his group, however, I still need to get trust from the test manager and the lead whoever I will report to. I have fear on the chanlleges ahead of me - I feel my body and energy is not as good as before with two kids.

I am also planning to talk with my current test manager, but what's the best way to get my concern out ?

I appreciate if you could give me some advice.
