

我在一個大公司作了一年temp後被另一個部門的老板招進公司。不久她給我指定一個 Mentor. 後來她又提拔我的Mentor 做我的supervisor。 在她的竭力培養下我的supervisor 上周得到一個另一部門的正式的supervisor 的職位。從此進入Management level.


(Too slow to type Chinese.I'm so bad at it.)

I felt there may be something not right. Last Friday I went to talk to her after she announced my supervisor’s getting the position. I’m almost confirmed that she’s not happy with me. Look like there’s no hope for me to be promoted to professional level anymore.

Few months ago my supervisor told me his mentoring relationship with me will close. (Mentoring relation is usually for one year) and let me find another mentor. So I started to look for another mentor by myself. I should have consulted my supervisor’s boss for this but didn’t.

I asked someone in another department to be my mentor. Then I told my supervisor. At that time he told me that his boss, my previous boss has suggested another person to be my mentor. But he forgot the name of the person. And he couldn’t recall. Since I already contacted my mentor (to be), I kind not sure what to do. I wanted my supervisor to ask the boss who she suggested to be my mentor. But my supervisor said “Don’t mention it. She’ll forget, she probably already forgot.”

I’m pretty sure this is the reason behind the current situation. Actually this 招我進公司的老板is a reasonable person, and a pretty powerful manager. She has been with the company probably for more than 25 years, or even longer. 另外有兩個其它 部門的頭(Manager, not supervisor) 是她的鐵哥們。其中一個部門是我做temp的財務部門, 也是我的退路部門。

因為財務部門很少有Professional level 的position. Ever since I joined the company I’ve been taking courses related to company business, (sponsored by company). I’m half way now.

I can understand why she’s not happy with me. Since to her I seemed not 順從 or appreciate her arrangement for my development, (or, there’s also good arrangement for some other ones).

前錦黯淡。不知能否消除這一不良印象和影響。不知是否還有部補救的餘地。她現在說的理由是我的communication 不夠。我想這一理由是可以永遠成立的隻要誰想用的話。並且在這一事上我確實沒有去溝通好。我們的表達也確實 不可能perfect. 永遠不可能。。!

是否可以請即將離去的supervisor to get the name of the person she wanted to recommend for my mentor?

我怕如果我直接去跟老板講的話會很容易讓她覺得我有blame 或者出賣別人的嫌疑。



約她談次話。 -灰衣人- 給 灰衣人 發送悄悄話 灰衣人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/21/2010 postreply 12:57:26

What is this so complicated? -tank- 給 tank 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/21/2010 postreply 13:33:05

回複:What is this so complicated? -該怎樣做?- 給 該怎樣做? 發送悄悄話 (483 bytes) () 06/21/2010 postreply 15:22:58

confused. -Cathy_Bay- 給 Cathy_Bay 發送悄悄話 Cathy_Bay 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/21/2010 postreply 15:55:14

巨大的疑問? -靜聽海- 給 靜聽海 發送悄悄話 (58 bytes) () 06/21/2010 postreply 15:58:11
