I.e.: Know what a written exercise is, go prepared for what you may face in the test, and do the best you can when you sit down to do the deed.
This is from: http://www.wikijob.co.uk/wiki/written-exercise
Written Exercise
Employers often use a written exercise to assess job candidates. Written exercises usually test a combination of: common sense, comprehension skills, the ability to structure a letter, an essay or an argument, note taking ability and written communication skills. A candidate's knowledge of specific industry issues or work procedures is not usually tested. The subject of your written exercise may also be used as the basis for a discussion in a later interview.
Written Exercise Examples
Examples of written exercises used by firms include:
Write a report on the pros and cons of a takeover bid, based on 12-pages of material provided.
Summarise the facts of a case file, listing its strengths and weaknesses.
Summarise a Law report for a client who is concerned with the issues it covers but has no specific legal knowledge.
Write a letter of complaint to a local council on behalf of an elderly resident.
You will typically be given between 40-60 minutes to complete a written exercise.
You are preparing well...
• i guess your occupation is related to law somthing or science. -herwife- ♂ (0 bytes) () 06/12/2010 postreply 17:57:26
• qianzou could also be an elementary school reference librarian.. -diaozhi- ♀ (231 bytes) () 06/12/2010 postreply 18:23:07
• haha,you painted exact picture of his posts. -herwife- ♂ (0 bytes) () 06/12/2010 postreply 18:40:38