You should follow up with a phone call. Don't talk about the job immediately. Ask them later.Don't be discouraged. There are some people who are willing to help while others will not.
When I was looking for my first job, I look up the contact info and make at least 20 phone calls almost every day. I will say something such as " I am xxx, whi is xxx student. From professional association or Journal or article, you are expect in xxx areas. I would like to know if you have several minutes to discuss with me how I can pursue a career in xx area. Out of 20, I might get 1 or 2 persons who want to help me. Then it's much easier to follow up. Just say "XX refered me to call you to discuss xxx. He or she think you are the best person to talk to. Then ask refer. Almsot 100% of time, you can talk to the refered person. Even you leave a message, they will call you back.
That's the way to develop the networking.
Hope it helps.
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05/02/2010 postreply