Three words: snobbish, underhanded, sourgraping.

回答: 分析很到位,你的英文真好!蒙蒙霧2010-04-30 19:09:54

If you have nothing nice to say about someone who tried to help, at least have the decency to keep your big mouth shut.

What a genius! In one stroke, you insulted not one, but two people who did nothing to deserve your slight. Now, don't bother to try to make me your third victim. For one, I don't have a 網上英文學士, much less a 網上英文碩士. For another, I am thicker-skinned than the typical poster here, and can better stomach a hit or two, even from unexpected dark corners where the likes of you are lurking.


你大概誤會了,山大網上英文碩士是壇裏一個網友,以英文詩著名,很 -小謀- 給 小謀 發送悄悄話 小謀 的博客首頁 (148 bytes) () 05/01/2010 postreply 07:54:40

如屬誤會, 那是我的不是了. -diaozhi- 給 diaozhi 發送悄悄話 (517 bytes) () 05/01/2010 postreply 08:11:25

hehehe,這裏常用"山大網上英文碩士"來說 -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (281 bytes) () 05/01/2010 postreply 08:56:37

是我孤陋寡聞了. -diaozhi- 給 diaozhi 發送悄悄話 (267 bytes) () 05/01/2010 postreply 15:28:04

your english is topnotch too. -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (32 bytes) () 05/01/2010 postreply 16:44:45
