因為我已經有offer A 在手 (interview on Friday, verbal offer on Monday), 公司B也是很快就給了答複。B告訴我一共有4個candidate,我是周四去的,他們告訴我周五上午還有最後一個,然後周五下午開會決定,周一告訴我決定。結果周五下午5點B的HR打電話給我告知決定選我,然後周一verbal offer. 今天B's offer letter 也到手了。
當然這次比較順利。 以前也有過等來等去沒有回音,最後不了了之的。從我的經曆和我老板hire人的過程來看(I am often in the interviewer panel), 如果遲遲不做決定,通常表明有multiple candidates, they have their first choice, but are giving the first choice a week to two to decide. While at the same time, they are not rejecting some of the other candidates. 如果第一選擇過了一,兩周決定不來,他們就會offer給下一candidate.
Again, just my personal thoughts. Please dont be offended. I'm not saying this is always the case.
my experience
and usually they have a specific date they can tell you
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04/27/2010 postreply