
範,"玉"也. 玉既出,磚可以免了. 是為序.

Without further ado, here are the goods:

1. Is $100K per annum too low a salary for a senior software engineer position requiring X years' experience in city Y, country Z?

2. My hu*****and has just been offered his dream job. I, too, am excited about the prospect of moving to a new city to start a new chapter of our lives, although at this point I myself don't have a job secured in the city we are moving to. My parents, however, are less enthusiastic about our prospective move with me going as a jobless trailing spouse, and have made it known that they would much prefer that I stay put at my current job until I have landed a job there myself. Pros and cons of all alternatives are welcome and will be greatly appreciated.

3. Anyone here can recommend a good restaurant, preferably with a bar, in Pleasantville, Maine? I am flying out there next week for a job interview, and would like to take my hiring manager out for a post-interview dinner.

4. My boss is a jerk who makes everyone's life miserable. She rarely praises anyone for a job universally acknowledged well done, and never fails to jump on someone who, in her eyes and in her eyes only, has not lived up to her idiosyncratic expectations. Last week, I had the bad luck to be picked on by her. After she chewed me out in front of several junior colleagues, she demanded that I promise to do better, much better, next time. And for what? It was over a PowerPoint slide that had a column of numbers using a font two sizes too small (24 vs. 26). I had it up here, and I am ready to walk. Should I mention in my letter of resignation the true reason for my departure - a boss no one can please?

5. What do you all think - is a salary increase difference of 5% worth fighting? I just received a salary increase that was 5% less than that given to my next-cubicle neighbor. Since we pretty much have the same responsibilities, and the only visible difference between the two of us is that she is a better ass-kisser than I am, I attribute her windfall to our boss playing favoritism. I can elect to let this slide or I can lodge a complaint with HR. What would you do if you were in my shoes?

磚玉之說, 向無定論. 人謂玉者, 或以為磚, 反之亦然. 以上"挖坑"範式, 亦不過一家之言耳. 既屬一家之言, 便有他家別說, 更可有百家競秀. 是為跋.


今兒晚上人少,我來頂吧。不然再加個歡迎百花齊放,謝絕對號入座什麽的?:) -veggiedoggie- 給 veggiedoggie 發送悄悄話 veggiedoggie 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/17/2010 postreply 21:04:38

好範, 好範! 咦, 怎麽就少人填LZ的模範坑呢? -diaozhi- 給 diaozhi 發送悄悄話 (68 bytes) () 04/18/2010 postreply 07:05:25

哈~ 頂! -知名度比較高- 給 知名度比較高 發送悄悄話 知名度比較高 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/18/2010 postreply 20:53:43
