
本文內容已被 [ 美國老土 ] 在 2010-02-26 12:36:54 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

"38 歲生物學博士,對計算機一直挺感興趣".
-- You are so yang, so smart, luckyly you 對計算機一直挺感興趣, so you are so 竹衫林!
-- You already have a degree, you do not need waste time and $$ for another useless degree.
-- What you need is a marketable skill.
-- There is very good and samrt way to gain the skill, do the project, update resume and win the interview.
-- I suggest you do the thing which you 一直挺感興趣.
-- 阿珠的師傅竹衫林 did exactly the same many years ago, successfully transferred from Bio Ph.D. to IT. You can do the same, you can do it in much easier way than he did, because you visited here....
-- Many years later, you will never rigrid you did as I suggested....

