首先,你就不能把他定義為bully。這樣的 prejudice 一形成,就沒有win-win game 可以玩了。win-win game,雙方要站在戰線的同一端。這個話題說起來長,暫且不提。
Joe, congrats to your promotion, well deserved. Your newly proposed projects are very exciting, I am sure they would boost the performance of our world-famous product, which is the best thing human beings ever have, and I am honored that I am picked as the executor. However, my hands are pretty tight for the time being, as you may know I am working on several important projects like reducing green gas emission, fighting against global warming and children starvation in the developing countries etc etc. I have to discuss my priorities and availability with my boss, mean while, I'd suggest you to get more resources from the top management. Any-hoo, I'd love to help in different ways before everything is sorted out, like sharing my experience and ideas...
發email,尤其是群發的時候,措辭一定要講究, being positive and cooperative. Two wrongs can't make a right.
• greenhouse gas -wistara- ♀ (0 bytes) () 02/08/2010 postreply 14:21:43
• thanks! 一字之師嗬 -胡說之- ♂ (0 bytes) () 02/08/2010 postreply 14:26:56
• 過兩天別忘了給師父百年哦~ -wistara- ♀ (0 bytes) () 02/08/2010 postreply 15:58:40
• 是拜年! -wistara- ♀ (0 bytes) () 02/08/2010 postreply 15:58:57
• 您百年之後,一定祭拜 -胡說之- ♂ (0 bytes) () 02/08/2010 postreply 16:03:55
• 劣徒! -wistara- ♀ (0 bytes) () 02/08/2010 postreply 17:56:00
• 謝謝大家的發言,我總結一下: -Guendawen- ♀ (389 bytes) () 02/08/2010 postreply 16:01:26