可以work from home是因為我agree 40% less pay. 是contract job. 因為我有小孩, 附近找不到工作. 這樣的情況算是win-win deal吧.
-- 祝賀! Yes! 文文!
-- Next time, not necessarily cut 40% of the pay.
我需要遠程接入網絡做調試. 很多時候覺得很disconnected.人也沒見過, 隻有Email和通電話.請問怎麽才能做好這樣的工作, 怎麽keep connected with the manager 和 team.
-- Have a good DSL or cable in home;
-- Set up email, Instant Messenger (If you don't care they can see you are online or not), and cell phone, or Skype internet phone. Set up a Skype account for free, so you can join conference call easily. And you can mute yourself if 小蛋小豆笑哈哈 in your side.
-- Keep email to the boss, get instruction from him, report work progreess (or problem to him);
-- As long as you keep the boss informed, it doesn't matter where you are physically located.
停工近兩年, 再得到這份工作覺得很不容易, 想好好做一下. 謝謝大家給點tips.
-- You are doing great!
-- 好羨慕你能找到在家工做的好事妖!