站著說話不腰疼? 飽漢不知餓漢饑?

Years ago, my academic advisor left academics for a higher-paying administrative position at a different institution. A bachelor and an aspiring scholar back then, I did not quite appreciate the extraordinary appeals of the green stuff, and my naïveté led me to openly question my advisor's career move at her send-off party. My advisor, always her savvy and diplomatic self, just smiled her knowing smile without offering even a half-hearty comment. Minutes later, another professor and a trusty friend of my advisor's whispered into my ears: Nobody will blame you if you don't understand now, but you will (understand) in ten years.

Now I am a father of two with all kinds of pressing bills to pay, not to mention future bills (the kids' education, for one), I certainly have a better appreciation of my advisor's career choice, which, I should probably add, does not necessarily mean that, placed in her shoes, I myself would have made the same decision.

