if not, polish ur resume.if so, polish ur skills.
u might aim at both senior and middle level roles to show ur flexibility.
i had 8 months unemployment since nov last year. i spend almost 16 hrs every single day learn new stuff, especailly frontend programming(java-script, jquery,ajax client component) & complex tsql query. i would say it really worth it. i'm glad had some time off to get my skills updated and more competative & marketable.
relax buddy, just take advantage of this peroid of time,i assure u that u definately will benifit in ur future career.
have u get interviews?
(179 bytes)
12/14/2009 postreply
thx buddy, good stuff keeps coming from u~~
(302 bytes)
12/14/2009 postreply
回複:thx buddy, good stuff keeps coming from u~~
(155 bytes)
12/14/2009 postreply
very interesting, i'm going to buy it. thx for sharing buddy~~
(0 bytes)
12/15/2009 postreply