我的這個phone interview還有戲嗎?

昨天和hiring manager的interview went through very well. got this phone
interview right after yesterday's interview. but today's interview was not that smooth with an tech expert in the field. 有好幾個問題沒有回答出來因為我從來沒有接觸過(都是市場上並不popular的技術).但我接觸過得回答得可以。大家看我還有希望嗎?

還有這幾個interview questions應該怎麽回答呢?
1。 how fast can you adapt new knowledge? and how。
我回答說read product document, take trainning還有就是install product and play with it. is there better answer?

2. how to install a websphere patch on 64-bit AIX? 我剛剛回答了怎麽apply
patch in general way,他又問這個問題,不知道有什麽不一樣的地方。
