Ask yourself..

來源: jill08 2009-09-03 20:15:49 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1285 bytes)
回答: no promotion天真真2009-09-03 19:31:01
The link between work approach and job satisfaction
Work is often approached from three perspectives. Usually all three perspectives are important for job satisfaction, but one is often the priority:

■It's a job. If you approach work as a job, you focus primarily on the financial rewards. In fact, the nature of the work may hold little interest for you. What's important is the money. If a job with more pay comes your way, you'll likely move on.
■It's a career. If you approach work as a career, you're interested in advancement. You want to climb the career ladder as far as possible or be among the most highly regarded professionals in your field. You're motivated by the status, prestige and power that come with the job.
■It's a calling. If you approach your job as a calling, you focus on the work itself. You work less for the financial gain or career advancement than for the fulfillment the work brings.
Do you recognize your approach to work? One approach isn't necessarily better than the others. But it's helpful to reflect on why you work if you're unsatisfied with your job and are ready to move on. Think about what originally drew you to your current job, and whether it may be a factor in your lack of job satisfaction.



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