Is there anybody who is working in google

to tell if this breaking news is true??? Thanks in advance!

Breaking News: Google Now Hiring People To Work From Home
Google is Set To Hire A Group Of Americans To Work From Home In The Next Few Days. Thousands Of Jobs Available, Anyone Can Apply.

Easy Google Profit
“Work From Home On Your Computer...”

Step 1: Get the Google Work From Home Kit, only pay the $2.95 for shipping. (The shipping cost allows Google to screen for serious people).

Step 2: Follow the directions on your package and set up a Google account. Then they will give you the website links to post. Start posting those links. Google tracks everything.

Step 3: Google will send out your checks weekly. Or you can start to have them wire directly into your checking account. (Your first checks will be about $750 to $1,500 a week. Then it goes up from there. Depends on how many links you posted online.)

Associated Links:
Easy Google Profit official site


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