Advice about medical career needed

My son is a rising sophomore. Currently his major is math. I encourage him to apply for admission to medical school. He is reluctant to do so because he is afraid of taking responsibility of other people's life.
What are the fields in medical school/medical career having less responsibility of other people's life?


Answer your question already. -jill08- 給 jill08 發送悄悄話 (66 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 17:49:01

Thank you for your advice. I hope to have more advice. -Green_sky- 給 Green_sky 發送悄悄話 (1 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 17:56:04

Why do you want him to study medicine? -jill08- 給 jill08 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 18:10:14

回複:Why do you want him to study medicine? -Green_sky- 給 Green_sky 發送悄悄話 (131 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 18:17:37

Do you know -jill08- 給 jill08 發送悄悄話 (564 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 18:33:52

回複:Do you know -Green_sky- 給 Green_sky 發送悄悄話 (98 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 18:38:04

Difficuty is considered as disadvantage, am I right? -jill08- 給 jill08 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 19:00:18

如果你兒子不想學醫的理由是這個: -HenryLi- 給 HenryLi 發送悄悄話 HenryLi 的博客首頁 (362 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 20:44:55

我覺得麻醉科的責任最可怕. 我見到的手術都是係主任親自 -小謀- 給 小謀 發送悄悄話 小謀 的博客首頁 (13 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 21:04:45

回複:我覺得麻醉科的責任最可怕. 我見到的手術都是係主任親自 -yijibang- 給 yijibang 發送悄悄話 yijibang 的博客首頁 (180 bytes) () 08/26/2009 postreply 09:02:39

回複:Advice about medical career needed -yijibang- 給 yijibang 發送悄悄話 yijibang 的博客首頁 (401 bytes) () 08/26/2009 postreply 09:08:47

學數學怎麽了? !!!! -小謀- 給 小謀 發送悄悄話 小謀 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/26/2009 postreply 09:15:49
