ZT Ways YOU Can Change the World

來源: 23731241 2009-08-17 10:52:23 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (7541 bytes)
Through the lens of Happiness, I offer the following 13 actions you can take, everyday, to make
the world a better place. These ideas cost nothing; you can implement them immediately; you
need permission only from yourself; and each will create a positive impact for you and
Think of each action like a pebble dropped into a calm pool 173; there's a small splash from which
ripples flow in expanding circles. When you take these actions you will create a positive
emotional experience for you (the small splash), followed by expanding rings of impact on those
with whom you interact.
1. Smile
Most people (whether they realize it or not) will automatically smile back, which starts a
powerful, positive chain reaction.
"Your day goes the way the corners of your mouth turn. So smile" ~Bill Keane, Family
Circus, 11-17-08
2. Focus on what is right and good, not just what is wrong.
A gentleman hired an artist to paint his portrait, and was en route to his sitting when he
saw the morning headline, "Experts Fear Economic Downturn." The gentleman cancelled
the portrait. When the artist lost that commission, she withdrew her offer to buy a new
house. The real estate broker had to subsequently lay off his assistant, who relied on the
job to support her family while her hu*****and worked in his new coffee shop. Without his
wife's income, the hu*****and had to let go his staff and work many hours himself. Sadly,
the stress made him ill, and he had to close the shop. The gentleman, who often stopped
for coffee at the new shop, was heartbroken when it closed. "Ah, but it's just a sign of the
times," he said, not realizing that he had, in fact, created that reality.
What gets attention tends to happen 173; so understand the power of the stories you tell
yourself and others.
3. Focus on solutions, not blame.
When you speak of what is wrong, steer the conversation toward possible solutions
rather than just "admiring the problem" or looking for a scapegoat. Sacrificing goats may
have worked for 11 century pagans, but it's not a productive practice today. Be the
person who says, "Rather than arguing about who's right, how about if we spend our
limited energy to fix the problem?"
4. Perform acts of kindness
Liberty Mutual Insurance runs commercials in which a person performs a small act of
kindness for another... and a person who witnesses that does a favor for someone else,
and so on. The commercial serves as a powerful reminder that even the smallest actions
done out of good intentions can have a ripple effect in the world. Plus, you have the
benefit of feeling really great about yourself when you reach out to others!
5. Say, I Love You.
One of the regrets of my life is that I never said to my father, out loud, that I loved him.
When I grew up that phrase was never spoken. My father battled cancer 22 years ago;
the day he moved into hospice I decided to visit him the next day and say, `I love you,
Dad.' Sadly, he died that night. Since then I have never let a day pass without telling my
wife and kids that I love them. And I believe that because I raised them to be comfortable
receiving and expressing love, my adult children positively impact others.
6. Recycle
Does it really make a difference when I toss my milk jug or yesterday's paper into a
recycle container? Multiplied by the hundreds of thousands of people doing it, these
small actions really do save resources and energy, and contribute to sustainability of our
Mother Earth. I don't know a single person who recycles who does not take a small
measure of goodness from doing so.
7. Express gratitude.
The story is told of an old woman sitting on a park bench. She felt old and alone and
useless, and thought of suicide. After awhile, a young man came and sat on the other
end of the bench. For a time they fed the birds together. When the young man went to
leave, he thanked her for a lovely afternoon. The old woman realized that she did, in
fact, matter to others. She went home determined to push forward.
When we express gratitude, we experience the pleasure of giving a gift to another human
being and the excitement of watching them open it and enjoy it.
8. Give Blood.
Did you know that a pint of donated blood is separated into several components and thus
can be used to save up to three lives? Every time you take one hour of your time to fill a
bag, you are spreading a lot of happiness. If you donate every 56 days, you are saving
up to 18 lives every year. That's a lot of change in the world!
9. Keep your promises.
Do what you said you would do. What's in it for you? At worst, the avoidance of guilt; at
best, the deep satisfaction of knowing that your word is good. When you keep your
commitments, those who depend on you can reduce worry; plus they have the
confidence to do their own work well, knowing that you'll deliver for them.
Corollary: when you cannot keep a promise, open a conversation to renegotiate the
terms, rather than appear untrustworthy.
10. Forgive everyone, including you.
Forgiveness is not about forgetting 173; it is about letting go of the resentment you hold
today about a past wrong. Living in resentment is like taking poison and expecting the
other person to die. When you fight every day to hold on to old wrongs, you live
constantly as a half-person 173; half present, half in the past. When you forgive, you free
your whole self up to live in the Now, which benefits you, your loved ones, and your
11. Visit someone who is lonely.
The worst punishment ever invented by humankind is Solitary Confinement; people can
survive torture, but they go mad when they are deprived of human contact. When you
reach out to someone who is alone, all you need to do is be with them. Listen, exchange
stories, read aloud, just be present. You create the gift of a memory to savor.
12. Mentor a young person.
A mentor is "a wise and trusted counselor or teacher." Take someone who needs support
under your wing. Become a Big Brother/Sister. Volunteer at a youth retreat. You have
life experience that can benefit others. I've set up mentoring programs at many
organizations, and the most common feedback that emerges is from the mentors, who
say, "I was surprised at how much I learned about myself."
"A rising tide lifts all the boats" ~J.F. Kennedy, 1963
13. Wear Colored Socks**.
Colored socks start conversations. Colored socks make people smile. Colored socks
give people hope 173; the possibility that the world does not require conformity. And colored
socks make you feel just a teeny bit wild when you put them on in the morning.
**"Colored socks" can also show up as: one-of-a-kind jewelry, a flamboyant scarf, a fun
tie, pearls with jeans, a purple pinpoint oxford, or a fabulous pair of bright red pumps!


can I wear "Wear Colored Socks" to interview tommorow? -傻兒- 給 傻兒 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2009 postreply 10:57:43

do you try to impress 傻兒? -灰衣人- 給 灰衣人 發送悄悄話 灰衣人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2009 postreply 16:38:16

what? where did you get this wonderful idea? :) -傻兒- 給 傻兒 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2009 postreply 17:57:17



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