回複:回複:how to deal with those teammates just taking your credits

Here are a few things that would help:
(1) Make it a habit that you document timeline vs. works completed
(2) Helps you provided & tasks accepted should be via email, so that you can back them up if needed - verbal he says you say just is not enough
(3) When someone took credit from you, make your feelings known to others, verbally and via email. But remember that you need always to keep your cool, mapping the behavior to big/vile principles would be good (violating team trust, dishonesty, etc.)
(4) You might talk to your 2nd line manager and/or hr manager, expressing and documenting your problems/frustration
(5) Speak up in your team meetings (and all meetings), be firm and proactive so that others won't think that you're a pushover.
