
本文內容已被 [ 任我為 ] 在 2009-07-22 06:13:35 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

understand your upset.

1) in many areas, you do NOT have to work that hard to help earn big money. The higher the risk of the investments, the the bigger the reward. no intention to dive deep to justify its correctness.

2) seems to me that S was identified as a star in the fast track. He might be tall and handsome Cocasion male.
He is aggressive, and talks, interfaces, integrates thing well ...

3) Try to step out of yourself and has a distance to look at yourself and see if you fit the business culture (GM's vision in your case), which might help you make some adjustments, too.

4) Try to analyse things from both your and GM's perspectives.

Just a thought.
