不知該不該點透。歲月匆匆其實明白。隻是不願意承認罷了。Ignorance is bliss.
In fact, that's is OK. Everyone has the right to choose whatever life he/she thinks is best for himself. That's right given by the creator, and protected by the constitution.
The most important thing right now is to do whatever is the best for your son and yourself. And that's your right --- equally important as LG's.
Best strategy:
First of all, 千萬不可心疼錢.
Find a nice daycare for your Son in US ASAP and start sending him there. He should not go back to China in your family's situation. It's not healthy staying home 24 hours a day with an old lady either.
Your Mom stays in US for another 6 months, even if that means she will have to stay illegally. It looks like redundant. But you will need her help even if your son goes to daycare.
You have 6 months to find a decent job and sort things out. Don't waste it.
In the meantime, demand LG continue sending money home to support his son.
Remember, you only have 6 months --- probably your only chance to change your life.
Good luck.