回複:what do you think?

來源: MyID89 2009-06-29 16:27:08 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (641 bytes)
回答: Agree!MyID892009-06-29 13:16:45
To be honesty, I am so tired of IT. I am thinking to switch to Accounting! Just thinking, it is not easy to switch! Just like you said: 做了IT一些年,不停地學, 對一個女人來說,真累!

Let me think about "best IT" for a lady?
Business Analyst if your have strong communication & writing skill.
QA is easier then developer!

I like to do application development, but in many cases, I have to deal with DB, system, networking, user requirement, user training.......... no end.

I have to say: there is no best IT for everyone. It all depends on individual's unique situation.



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