I will never trust indian again too, an indian guy selling fish

回答: Indians who never keep their promisespeter4ever2009-06-24 10:39:38

in Walmart cheated me.

The story is I bought some golden fish from him and it dead just on the second day morning, when I go to buy the new fish for my son, this guys told me I could exchange the new one if I have receipt or I have the dead fish on hand.

But I don't have both of them because I was not going to claim the exchange but buy the new fish for my son again since it is his first pet.

This indian fish guy suggest me to talk with the store manager because he still remember me buying fish from him a couple days ago. I did so but the store manager is a spanish guy, he said I must have either receipt or the dead fish.So I bought the new fish for my son at the second time, not the exchange. A cashier told me he could do the exchange for me if I have receipt or the old fish bag on hand.

Unfortunately, my fish dead again, at this time, I put the dead fish into refrigerator and went to the store for the exchange after a couple weeks.

This indian fish guy kept my dead frozen fish and gave me another type of new fish with the lower price. But I can feel he is not happy to service me because he didn''t want to give me the same kind of the golden fish, he said he didn't have them anymore but I saw the similar type of the golden fish with the same price in another tank. I have to get the new fish food to exchange this type of fish. It is so happen the cashier is an indian guy too. When it is my turn to check out, the fish guy come to talk with the indian cashier and said I should talk with the manager for the exchange.

So I went to talk with the manager, it was the same spanish manager as the last time. But this manager denied what he told me at the last time that I could exchange fish with receipt and dead fish. He said that they could do the exchange just a courtesy saying not always the truth. The policy is they will never return and exchange the live animal they sold.

I gave the fish back to the manager and returned the new fish food to the store. My son cried because he want it.
I feel I got cheated by them, the indian fish guy and the spanish manager, but I couldn't blame them because I feel I am so stupid to believe their words, I am too simple to handle those politics. The indian fish guy was asking me if I am Japanese or Korea. And he told me that he came to U.S for 5 years. I told him that I am Chinese and came to U.S for 11 years.

I will never ever have chance to talk with such guys if I don't exchange the dead fish. And I will never ever get to know those people the way what they talk and thought. In 11 years, I never get chance to deal with such people and things. Now, I feel it is the real life, real people and what the real Walmart is.

兄弟姐妹們,從我的這個故事裏你們能看出什麽,這個多嘴的印度人如果不說那句話, 我是決不會去想到魚死了還能換的,但我就是信了他的話,把 自己支來 支去好幾趟,其實就幾 塊錢的事,換了往常,我才不會花時間去折騰這種事,這不是閑了,跟
這不同國家的人打了些交道, 這個世界是這樣滴,你們說說,我應該能從這裏學到什麽? 過去, 幾次工作都是栽在印度同事和經理手裏, 他們怎麽會有這種複雜的?是不是在他們眼裏我很傻, 人家一哪話就套出來了?如果我不相信他們的話, 怎麽和他們把事情往對我有利的方向走, 或者是繼續下去, 而不是出局,大家可不可以就這件事幫我分析分析?Any input is welcome !
