What makes a GREAT Resume? (ZT)

來源: 竹杉林 2009-06-17 19:53:19 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3177 bytes)
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What makes a GREAT Resume? Your questions are answered.
By: Roger Lear

I have been getting a lot of questions about resumes this year from our readers. This month we will answer some of your questions so your resume will be extremely effective in securing future employment. Here are some of these questions:

Q. Is a one page resume best?
A. Two page resumes are fine and preferred if your work experience fits the job you that you applied. Employers with real jobs appreciate getting the complete picture of your background. If you are an insurance broker with 20 years of experience and you are applying to a similar job at another company, a two page resume is the only way you are going to share your complete background. However, if you have 20 years of experience with only 5 of those in the insurance, you may want to summarize the first 15 years and just reference the skill sets (like sales aptitude) you may have learned the first 15 years.

Q. I have never been fired from a job but I have had many short stays at some employers. How do I display this on my resume?
A. Great question. Simply be honest with your resume by including a “reason for leaving” in all the short employment stays. Keep these reasons short and when you send your cover letter with your resume when applying to the job, note up front that you have had some short stays and have “documented” the reasons for leaving on your resume.

Q. Do I need to put exact “dates of employment”?
A. YES. Do not put just years. Put months and years in this format: March 2001-April 2004. If you have a gap in employment, NEVER extend your end date to cover this gap. (Background checks uncover this in seconds and the employer will never hire you.)

Q. Should I include my Facebook or LinkedIn profile on my resume?
A. YES. Employers are going to look you up on those sites anyway. Just clean up your online profile. Believe it or not, most HR people looking at your Facebook or LinkedIn profile also have a profile on these sites. If you can find out who you are submitting your resume to, look them up before you send to see if you have any common ground (like schools, hobbies, former companies, etc.)

Q. Should I put my salary requirements on my resume?
A. NO. If requested, please put in the cover letter. Also, if you are making $60,000 and the position pays $50,000 and you will work for that, do not disclose your salary until you get the interview.

Q. What are some additional items I can include in my resume to help me get that job?
A. Always include any additional education, training and awards you may have received in previous positions. Also, if you can relocate, let potential employers know of your flexibility.

Q. What makes a bad resume?
A: 4 out of 10 resumes I see are not very good. Most of the time the resume is just poorly written with no way to tell quickly what the job seeker does and their success at previous companies. Unexplained employment gaps, misspellings, horrible email addresses, 7 different fonts, no formatting, no clear objective, no cover letter and addressed to the wrong company.


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