
Think it over and over; still feel very sad, anybody can provide any advice.

Working in a pharma company for a few years, under Indian boss---face always smile, good on talking, really can not do anything as a manager… lots of complaints… finally..the company noticed him to leave, but gave him 6 months to stay… now there are still 4 more months left...

I worked for him for a while, was never happy, but family reason not leave. (I know my manager doesn’t trust me but still wants to keep me to work for him.) Anyway, recently to finish one project which I was the project leader as statistician, first was asked to do both jobs (stats, and all the programming); when everything got ready to show outside (top levels and other department), I was told to handle the programming to a team member (an Indian, titled programmer). I did not say anything about it. Then, I was moved to another project, as the boss said this project is almost done. But, recently, I noticed he asked another American girl to do the stats part (some changes) in this project. The girl is a typical good talking girl, likes to get to know everything, and knows everything in the world and half of things in heaven. Anyway, I noticed she is not only modifying all the documents I wrote and got signed off, and also started to create version 2 with her name in all the documents. (she did exactly similar things by deleting completely the original author’s name for another project when she was asked to take over another project just 2 months ago, as the person got laid off, but still not gone yet)…

I sent an email to my boss to clarify everybody’s role in this project (just in the morning meeting, I check with my boss on this. He said the girl is just helping to document everything.). Of course, he told me that I am still the project stats. Then, I questioned him how comes she is writing this stats modifications for me with all her names on?...of course, my boss said what she did is not appropriate, he’ll talk to her, he’ll clarify everybody’s role in the next meeting….(I don’t trust him, I am sure he’ll think of some ideals to deal with me then just as each previous time. I am sure only under his words, the girl is doing all of these )…

What shall I do in this situation? Still work hard under the current manager’s instruction as usual, to build everything, and let him ask others to take over once it’s ready? My manager has no power to hire/fire anyone right now. But, I just don’t understand why he still does this to me when he is almost over…I am completely out of the picture for this project to outside, but funny thing is each time, when they have problems, they’ll come back to blame me….


they’ll come back to blame me, 我5 歲的兒子總這樣做, -我邊走邊問- 給 我邊走邊問 發送悄悄話 (48 bytes) () 06/05/2009 postreply 10:39:07

看來她是把你的文件作為 template 起草了二版. 如果 -多哥- 給 多哥 發送悄悄話 (191 bytes) () 06/05/2009 postreply 11:27:56
