小小兄弟, 豬油拌菜飯 might be right. It's not simply because the that guy knows how to talk. On the contrary, that guy seems highly competent based on what you described. An incompetent person playing office politics is just to commit suscide. But that guy can deliever as you said "他往往最後也可以完成,那就是到處找人幫忙,然後把所有功勞算在自己身上"; He also built trust with the boss since "這個老印就極力鑽這個漏洞,獲得了老板的賞識"; And he is quite confident and articulate since "這個印度人像一匹黑馬,可以把很多東西說的頭頭是道". He might also look like an expert to people out of your group. All of those are not signs of a only 吹牛 team memeber. And even you think highly about him as you think that he can deliver and get credit if he works with another team. That's why I see a disconnection between your conclusion of this guy and your observations of him.
I would suggest you re-assess your current situation and try to get objective answers of the following questions: who is most trusted person your boss consults with when he makes a decision? When someone in your group needs some help, who is the first person he usually go to? In your group who is the most well known person by other groups' managers, your clients and your boss's boss? From you boss's perspective, if he needs to start a new project that no one has done before, who will he pick as the project manager? If the answer is not "me", I think that you should forget the other guy and focus on self-improvement.
Another thing that you should be aware of is that every promotion is a well calculated move. A manager can tell who to promote if he needs to promote one person and who to let go if he needs to downsize, in less a second. And promotion is usually well communicated among your manager, you manager's manager and managers at the same level of your manager, way before the promotion actually takes place. Before you get your promotion, most times you already know which managers support you and which ones have doubts on you. So if you feel that you are ready to move up and lead a team, you should talk to your manager about your promotion and get his support and his boss's support. Do not wait for the other guy to fail and hope that your manger will pick you, it doesn't work this way.
Hope that helps a bit.
1st re-assess the situation, 2nd find out promotion
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05/25/2009 postreply