Java/C++/SQL/J2ME/J2EE skills with 4年工作經驗 will get you a lot of chances for the interviews.
what you should do is: make sure where are the problems for your job hunting.
--is the resume that attractive?
--why 有的麵試失敗了,有的麵試沒有回音?
the interview questions are well-prepared?
is your english smooth?
or did you look boring for the interviewer:)
good luck!
I bet you will get offers sooner or later. hope the offer comes
and it is very bad time. You can control the timing, but
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05/12/2009 postreply
you can cantrol yourself. don't feel discouraged.
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05/12/2009 postreply
sorry for the typo.: you CAN NOT control the timing
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05/12/2009 postreply
回複:I bet you will get offers sooner or later. hope the offer co
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05/13/2009 postreply