how about the new job? re: 找到新工作,可是公司VP希望我留下,

what are the opportunity this new job offers? have you evaluated it, or did you just use it as stepping stone? the possible third option is to take the new job now, and keep in touch with the VP, and wait and see what's happening in the previous company. you never know, maybe after 3-6 months from outside of the company, you will have a clearer picture about the situation, and things may change there as well (other people leaving, re-org, etc).

do an assessment of your career goals, skillset and capabilities. how experienced are you in terms of leading a team and execute your plan, and navigating the political environment in your current organization? being individual contributor requires quite different skillset from leading a team. another question is, how much do you know about your VP, his career plan and capabilities?

leaving the current company is relatively low risk, staying is higher risk. just make sure you have a good plan and get committment from your VP to support your plan, then work hard to deliver. higher risk maybe turns in higher reward.
