但單位同事很不友善. 隻有我一個中國人,感覺他們歧視.在我之前的女孩(也是中國人)不怎麽與他們說話,我覺得她很孤立.開始還以為那個女孩不主動跟他們說話的緣故。
How do they 歧視 you? Do you have any hard evidence or they just don't talk to you. Try to talk to them first and make small conversation.
也怨我自己.剛來看到有人監視自己的電腦很生氣,就質問他(覺得他沒有權力這麽做,因本人做會計,而他隻是銷售經理, 不應知道一些CONFIDENTIAL INFO).
Screen protect your computer (or even log off) when you are not at your desk.
This is FRAUD. Both your boss and you are doing the right thing. In fact, if your company is allowing things like that, you probably don’t want to work in this company.
我們單位有一個老太太,專門興風作浪,我很是看不貫。經常背後說人壞話(我聽到過她說每個人的壞話)。總說我壞話,當她看到我與sales manager有矛盾的時候, 就挑撥我們關係,說他不應該這麽對我,我沒有理她。現在看到那個經理說我,更加肆無忌憚,公開說我壞話。我實在忍無可忍,問她有什麽對我說的嗎?今天她聯係所有的人,花了一上午的時間聯係每個人,說要聯合把我開除。並說再讓我高興幾天(老板下周回來)。
What is her title? Does she have the power in the company to hire/fire people? If not, ignore them.
I am not sure what type of company you are working. It seems to be a place without much of codes of conduct. It might not be a place for you.
Collect your evidence and you can even threaten to sue them for conducting social security fraud if you are unfairly let go.
My two cents
讚成。尤其是code of conduct, 如果沒有這個的話
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05/05/2009 postreply
print out all the relative emails
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05/05/2009 postreply