agree with others, re: 求問:我是不是該跑路了

you still have values to the company, so they won't fire you right away. but if you continue to hold the grudge against boss A and others and don't find any way out of this situation, you need to find the next job.

to summarize points from other posters,

1. don't wait for the boss to recognize your contribution, do it yourself. keep journal of what you accomplished every week; set up one-on-one meetings with your boss.
2. create opportunities to talk/discuss about your work in public, group meetings or bigger forum. ask questions, praise other people's accomplishments,volunteer time for other projects, network with other people from different groups, etc. bottom line, promote yourself.

but on the other hand, look for jobs now. so far, from what I heard about working with Indian colleagues, unless you have superb capabilities and social skills, you can't win this war. they will squeeze the last drop out of you to promote themselves, then they discard you like trash.
