
HR Golden Rule: 麵試初期,誰先提百家姓的二娃,誰是輸家. 2007-03-19 08:06:50
During the very beginning stage of the interview, HR's job is screen you out.
When they ask you: What salary are you looking for?
1) try to postpone the question to later stage;
Can we focus on the job responsibility now?
Salary and benefit package is not a problem for me, can we focus on the job duties now?
I am more interested about the position and the job duty/responisibility, would you please explain it to me?

2) Try to let HR tell you the salary range.
I have a compatitive salary now, would you please let me know what is the salary range for this position?
Would you please give a ball-park figure of the salary range?
Since you are great/experience HR recruiter, I am sure there are many similiar positions in your company, would you please let me know what is the salary range for these positions?
As you know this is the first time for me to looking for job in this city/area, since you are the experienced job agent, I am sure/as you said/ you already places many people to this client/employer/company, you must know the salary range for this position, would you please give some advice what is the salary range for this position?

Of course, if you are 大牛 in this filed, you have a good pay now and you only jump for higher salary, then you can ask HR/Agent:
What is the salary for this position?
To save your time and my time, I will not move if the salary is lower than $###...

Again, in the beginning stage of the interview:
HR Golden Rule: 誰先提百家姓的二娃,誰是輸家.

I am sure we all have interesting experience and lessons about mention salary in the first time, please share with us.