19:00 (USA PST), Tuesday. Tele-conference 218-486-7200 Bridge number: 404101
You are welcome to join from anywhere you like.
19:00 琴清妙歌:心中有團希望的火
19:05 to 19:25: 瑪麗她爸: How to write a workable resume. 問答.
19:30 to 21:00: Questions and Answers associated with job
多謝大家熱情到會. 咱參與, 咱奉獻, 咱提高, 咱改變, 咱高興!
為了給主講嘉賓留下好印象,也增進會議的親和感, 請各位發言前先介紹自己的 ID.
為提高會議的效率, 問答時最好緊扣主題, 長話短說, 以便在有限時間內多回答幾個問題.
為提高會議收聽質量, 旁邊有躁聲的話, 請按 4* 消音. (puch 4* to mute/unmute yourself).
Last Tuesday's Tele-conference was very good!
不易之才安心草(對著看不見的聽眾講話,開始有點緊張稀稀的)介紹了做SAP,又做Oracle 之體會和經驗. 尤其是她講的麵試技巧, 獲得了會議主持者不衣之才的高度讚賞.
飛鷹問了幾個問題, 參加了討論. 但沒有報名. 因為到俺按含娜和琴清的交代要發言者報名時, 俺的聲音聽不到..
DavidZhang asked questions and gave good comment about SAP and Oracle.
ExpectingMM has very cool tech skills...
After arrive in home, for unknown reason, I was muted no matter I connect from Skype or from cell phone. Even I was listen all the time, after dialed many times, I finally be able to connect by cell phone and people can hear me again.
下周講員: 喜氣連年
Please click [博客] at top of this page, then Recorded Tele-conference to get the record.
19:00 (USA PST), Tuesday. Tele-conference 218-486-7200 Bridge number: 404101
You are welcome to join from anywhere you like.
19:00 琴清妙歌:心中有團希望的火
19:05 to 19:35 安心草 講: 轉行過程中的戰略與戰術 問答.
Then: Questions and Answers associated with job
多謝大家熱情到會. 由於各位發言勇躍, 上周主題嘉賓喜妹白準備了倆小時,白等到睜不開眼,也沒槍到說話的空...(Sorry, 喜妹.)
為了給主體嘉賓留下好印象,也增進會議的親和感, 請各位發言前先介紹自己的 ID.
為提高會議的效率, 問答時最好緊扣主題, 長話短說, 以便在有限時間內多回答幾個問題.
為提高會議收聽質量, 旁邊有躁聲的話, 請按 4* 消音. (puch 4* to mute/unmute yourself).
安心草 簡介: 來米後,對工作做了戰略分析,成功進入愛似誒媲, 現在專心致力於研究甲骨文...
Please click [博客] on this page, then Recorded Tele-conference, to get April 7, 2009 Tele-Conference Recording.
==== Major topics discussed on April 7 Conference =========
- Is Gap a problem?
- Background check and reference check;
- Be confident for yourself, but not a thread for your manager;
- Expertise and Experience are the most important two factors to get a job;
- 熱愛工作, 熱心工作.
周二喜妹談經驗, 老米獵頭來助戰.有啥問題早準備, 琴清先歌後發言
19:00 (USA PST), Tuesday. Tele-conference 218-486-7200 Bridge number: 404101
You are welcome to join from anywhere you like.
19:00 琴清妙歌:心中有團希望的火
19:05 to 19:35 喜氣連年 講 厚黑學在麵試中之應用, 問答.
19:40 to 20:00 Michael ( A Head hunter in 鬼穀, 老米) answer your questions, like:
- What questions the headhunter usually asks?
- What items the background check will do?
- Whatever questions you will have.
(Please follow this poster with your questions, so I can email Michael let him prepare.)
20:00 to 21:00 Open questions and answers.
--- Outline of Mar 31 Tele-Conference -----------
March 31 tele-conference call took more than two hour. Many interesting questions and topics are discussed.
經驗豐富的一級棒兄針對很多問題給予了非常有價值的回答. 一位管著15人的女狹給大家補充講了如何寫好簡曆. 看著大家談的熱鬧, 一直在天上盤旋的飛鷹終於在會議臨了前以甜美悅耳之聲音現身...
喜氣連年在千呼萬喚中始終沒空閑. 小謀借故手機不發聲, 無言.
吳用明知他飛鷹姐來了, 仍不出來拜見.
含娜設置好錄音後, 把肆洞肆妖洞妖錯撥到奧爸媽的飛機上, got "Wrong Number"!
謝謝一級棒兄, 女狹, 充滿愛心的美女, 美聲的飛鷹 以及問問題的各位!
咱參與, 咱奉獻, 咱提高, 咱改變, 咱健康, 咱高興!
- Any information or advice about how to find a Buyer job in Texas?
- Any suggestion about how to transfer from academic filed to industry?
- What suggestions if my employer pay my H1B visa fee and offer me very low salary and bind me in the job for one year?
- 喜氣連年最近新養成的習慣,"每一次interview,都偷偷瞄幾眼" 對找工銀的重大意義之共同探討...
- 改變小謀職場生涯的一周之探討...
- 本人能經常和老板聊天, 一聊一個多小時, 家裏另一半說這樣不妥, 咋辦?
- 跟老板保持距離, 注意上下級關係;
- 一切行動服從領導;
- How to write a good resume if I have 20 years work experience;
- 女狹的經驗之談:最好在簡曆上能量化工做的複雜性, 並說明該項目的意義;
- 美女同胞上班中若遭遇性騷擾, 該不該告公司?
- 好命女的老板在遠方, 怎麽保持溝通?
- 俺家公子學化學, 但更感興趣數學, 該不該轉統計?
- 為什麽應鼓勵你的孩子上法學院;
- What I do if the hiring contract includes some terms I don't like?
- Business Analyst 之其它稱呼如何? How to write resume if I transfer to Database job?
含娜已將會議錄音: Please click [博客] in the top of this page, then click Recorded-Tele-Conference to get March 31 recorded tele-conference.
=======周二美西晚七點, 職場話越地平線. 新朋友的指南, 老朋友的經驗. ============
You dial in from any phone: 1-218-486-7200 , bridge number: 肆洞肆妖洞妖 (404101).
1)喜氣連年最近新養成的習慣,"每一次interview,都偷偷瞄幾眼" 對找工銀的重大意義之共同探討...
以上兩題目, 請先預想習掛在村頭的貼.
3)How to write a good resume and how to 談錢.
Any other of yourquestions, and yourexperience...
Please click [博客] in this page to get the recorded-teleconference.
----Mar.24, 2009 Conference --------------------
經過多次開會學習, 村裏銀思想覺悟有了很大提高, 這次會上問題不多, 故開了一小時, 大家就散會歇了.
Linda和另一位朋友 抓緊時間, 提出了以下問題, 大家給予了回答:
- How to tell boss to convert to full time employee;
- How a employee to survive in this kind of bad economy;
- How to keep good relation with a 有 嫉妒心的同事;
- How 安心草 transferred from SAP to Oracle? (Need 安心草 gives answer if she come next time).
---- Mar. 17, 2009 Conference --------------------
龍少爺, Sue, 布衣之才, 小謀, 含娜, 阿珠, Leo 等參加了會議.
小謀 tried to talk, but her phone is too fancy, she couldn't figure out how to un-mute herself... Due to limited time, she tried to post her question, unfortunately we are not as smart as she is, so we were not sure what her question mean...
Thanks all who joined!
Topics discussed:
- Be confident in the job searching process;
- How to answer " How smart you are?";
- How to answer "What will you do five years from now?";
- Should I write my current company name on my resume?
- What should I do if my current job is too boring?
- Can I use more than two Agent to find jobs?
- How to chose reference if my previous manager do not say good things about me?
- How to fill salary in application form?
- Resume is your Advertising to sell yourself.
老時間, 老地點,老打扮, 周二晚, 不見不散.
電話號碼: 兩壹捌-肆捌陸-拐兩洞洞, 密碼: 肆洞肆妖洞妖
咱參與, 咱奉獻, 咱高興!
19:00 California time, 22:00 New York time.
Tuesday night.
Let's talk and share our questions, answers and stories about Resume, Job interview, and how to deal Office Politics.
How to join:
Dial the number 218-486-7200 , enter bridge No: 404101
(含娜 made record of the conference, Please click [博客] on the top of this page to download Recorded tele-conference March 17, 09.)
---- March 10, Tele-conference ---------------
謝謝大家的參與和分享, 會議開的賊成功. 小謀有帖為證:" 一個男主持,是很軟的南方口音,可能是龍少要不就是布衣之才.後來問問題的男士好像是‘老沒勁’。有幾個女生,有個特嫩說話特牛的女孩,還有一個說話很沉穩的女士給人印象都很深。 聽聽還是滿有意思的。結合自己還是挺受啟發的. 我好像不能發言,我說話都聽不到,肯定好多人和我一樣,是被迫潛水的。"
下周二同一時間見. 謝謝大家! 謝謝小謀!
含娜同誌工作認真, 錄音效果很好. 謝!
-- Communication in work and job huting
-- How many pages are good for resume
-- Right attitute view the working relationship
-- Major website on job hunting
-- Why they make a seems simple task into a complex process
-- What to do if the reference is blocking me
Please click [博客] on the top of this page to download the meeting record and listen 龍少爺很軟的南方口音.
咱參與, 咱分享, 咱提高, 咱改進, 咱健康, 咱高興!
19:00 California time, 22:00 New York time.
Tuesday night.
Let's talk and share our questions, answers and stories about Resume, Job interview, and how to deal Office Politics.
How to join:
Dial the number 218-486-7200 , enter bridge No: 404101
==== Mar. 3 Tele-conference outline ===============
We had a very good tele-conference last night.
領導同誌龍少, 職場頭牌阿珠 等出席了會議.
有關方麵負責人 sub101, Sue 等參加了會議.
胡哥說之雖然有領導交給的接孩子的任務,仍然在百忙之中出席了會議,發表了重要講話. 胡哥在(一個字也沒有胡說的)講話中, 用他自己和他某朋友在被解雇三天後就找到醫保BI工作的鐵的事實為依據,給仍在水深火熱中找工作的軟體攻城士們指明了前進的方向, 尤其是給有醫學背景的社員們打開了一扇大門. 聽眾們對胡哥的講話表示了極大的興趣.
Ourline of Mr. Hu's Talk:
-- What the job do
-- Where has the available jobs
-- How to find these kind of jobs
-- Pros and cons of these kind of jobs
讀佳佳(jiajia123)不如聽佳佳. 充滿愛心的佳佳用她在米國管理十五銀隊伍的豐富經驗和悅耳的聲音給到會群眾詳細的講述了如何有效的利用跟領導的玩昂玩. Sub101, Sue, LaoTu等聽眾一至認為從佳佳的講話中獲益匪淺.
Outline of Jiajia123’s talk:
-- "Keep your boss posted"
-- Choose right time for 1 on 1;
-- Take note;
-- Focus on most important topics;
-- Speak for yourself;
-- Solution, solution, solution...;
-- Remember follow up;
在胡哥和佳佳講話精神的鼓舞下, 在龍少,阿珠等坐在頭排聽眾的鼓勵下, 瑪利她爸順便談了個人的體會: how to answer questions of 與老板的意見不一致咋辦.
考慮到目前大家加班都很忙,很多銀想聽會(因為老板逼緊但)不能到會,熱心的不怕老板的含娜給大家準備了錄了音,請 click 本頁上邊的 [博客], you will get Recorded Tele-Conference.
謝謝胡哥! 謝謝佳佳!
==== Feb. 24 ===========================
Last night's teleconference (Feb. 24, 09) went though very well.
Special thanks to 陳默, 其名言:"The manager is payed to get the job done."
Special thanks to 知名度比教高 其名言:"Manager and 員工 應是一種互利互惠的關係;"
Special thanks to 布衣之才 and 佳佳...!
Thanks to all who joined the conference call...
The major topics covered:
-- How should I prepare the interview
-- How to get well with your boss." The manager is payed to get the job done."
-- "Manager and 員工 應是一種互利互惠的關係;"
-- How to transfer to different job field;
-- How to find job without networking resource;
-- Question about IT skills;
-- 在平凡的會計崗位上, 如何在麵試時講的更好;
-- How to answer salary questions;
==== Feb 24. Meeting announcement =======================
Answer and Discuss Any of Your Questions About Job Searching
Time: 19:00 to 20:30 California time, (22:00 to 23:30 New York time),
Date: Tuesday, every week
Agenda and speaker of this week:
澤西農民攝影家 (猜猜是誰?): answer your questions regarding communication, be professional, conflict with boss/co-workers;
情人節的香腸製作者,戴藍手套的廚師 (猜猜是誰?): answer questions regarding 呼悠老板 101 and how to switch jobs;
瑪麗她爸: answer questions about communication during the interview
Other famous ID: answer whatever questions you have …
Join from USA: Using any telephone, call in the number: 1-2..., enter Bridge number: 404101
Join from other country:
Send email to ohayokeiko@yahoo.com to require the Skype connect info.
You will hear people ask questions about job searching, you will hear 職場 著名 IDs share their valuable experiences and advices...
如果你有任何特別的問題, Please send a email. 謝!
====== Feb. 18 ============
We had a very good tele-conference last night. People get chance to openly asking/answering/discuss questions and share the valuable experience.
Sub101 給大家憶苦思甜, "做一個快樂的奴隸"是他的經典...
Thanks for the speakers: Realprincess, Sue, Sub101, etc.
Please check [博客] to get the meeting record if you like.
Many interesting questions and nice valuable answers are discussed:
-- How the reference is checked
-- How to answer salary question and not to be screened out
-- What kind of job is good for a MBA who hate computer
-- Questions you should ask the head hunter to find out they are good or bad
-- How do I add experience on my resume
-- Should I take exam to get a certificate
-- How the h1B holder to be survived in this kind of bad economy
-- What is the workflow of the hiring process
-- What is the best way to enter IT filed if I do not hate computer
-- Sue shares her story
-- Sub101 shares his story
咱參與, 咱奉獻, 咱提高, 咱改變, 咱健康, 咱高興!
下次會議: 下周二 Feb 24. 19:00 (CA Time), 22:00 (NY Time)
==== May 31. 2008 =====================
Write a Workable Resume and Win the Interview, May 31, 2008
陳默職場大姐大, 不易之才的布衣之才, 梅影小妹大, 慢慢講來, 娓娓動聽!
==== Jun 12, 2008 =====================
How to Switch to Different Industry, Jun 12, 2008
你若錯過了, 實在很可惜.
Thanks for everybody!
又到周二晚七點, 咱們話越地平線. 有問有答有分享,互相幫助渡難關.
• 這月沒有新麵試,日子都不知道怎麽過下去了,怎麽參加電話會議阿,要裝什麽軟件,撥是麽號碼? -灰狗- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/21/2009 postreply 14:12:11
• 參加電話會隻需一個phone,不要裝軟件, number inside -美國老土- ♂ (53 bytes) () 04/21/2009 postreply 15:34:24
• 第一次參加,這會怎麽就不開了呢? -灰狗- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/21/2009 postreply 16:12:36
• 錯? should be 1-218-486-7200 ? -呂不韋- ♂ (0 bytes) () 04/21/2009 postreply 19:06:46
• 這月沒有任何電話,日子也得過下去。晚上見! -輕輕的走了- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/21/2009 postreply 16:05:23
• 你會輕輕的來嗎?~~ -雲河- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/21/2009 postreply 17:24:41
• 俺扛著大鼓去了,沒聽見雲河的聲音? -輕輕的走了- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/22/2009 postreply 05:07:40
• 想發言的趕早了哈,來晚了就隻好做聽眾~~ -雲河- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/21/2009 postreply 17:16:18