老婆原來的工作一半作技術支持, 一半培訓. 因市場變化, 她部門失去培訓機會, 她想學習新東西, 就要求更多的工作. 她的老板(DIRECTOR)當然不想失去她, 就幫她. 老婆有EE大本(中國), MA in literature 和 doctor in instructional technology, 公司有 e-learning system.看起來很match. 但manager did not take my wife at the first place. His boss boss (vp) gave him a hard time. So he might have no choice because it’s against company policy. Now the manager abused the company money, the secretary had secretary pay.It’s ridiculous that the manager takes his dept as his home. There is one more fact: this VP resigned just after he placed my wife in.
My wife reported her current situation to her original director yesterday. The director reported it to her boss (a different vp). Today they all are having a meeting with the new vp of e-learning system. There is a bottom-line for my wife, if she has to stay under this manager, she is going to resign. But we are opening for all kinds of suggestions and still working on the best solutions. My wife may try to take a position as a programmer if she has no other option.
Again, thank you for your kind words.