米國公司雜草多, 生存策略要靈活. 集思廣益戰斜惡, 別想辭職瞎琢磨.

-- Don't be too serious, it is just a work.
-- Glad you are trusting the XDJM at here, they all can help!

-- Nice to know you are a Database Analyst!
-- Good job!
-- You can do the job till you are old, if you like.

-- 米國公司雜草和毒蛇很多,現在你知道了.

-- ok, based on this story, A is not a good guy. Be highly alerted! Treat A as a 雜草和毒蛇.

A不懂CODING,在我來之前,她都是找另外2個PROGRAMMER幫忙寫CODE,完成老板交給的任務。那2個PROGRAMMER和A的 TITLE完全不一樣的,要完成老板交的活,需要什麽資料,A都會全力幫助去找。
-- 雜草就是這樣.

-- Great to know you are technically strong!
-- What is the new system?
-- What is old system?
-- Yes, A is worried tht you have better skill set.

-- OK. Then you cc his/her email to boss.
-- And you talk this to boss during 1 on 1;
-- And you ask Boss credit the task to you, NOT to A. Tell boss you are doing this task, NOT A.

-- clearly tell A:
A:, we work together as a team. Remember I helped you many many times on coding the useless stuff for me (but very useful for you). You are the old guy at here, I need you help to tell me where the information is, I hope you can help me as I helped you. This will make everybody easier.

-- Now you know not all the boss are as good as you think.
-- OK, forget it and try to solve yourself.

-- Yes, the first priority is BOSS's task.
-- Because I have so many first priority task, I have to finish it. You have to wait until I finish Boss's Tasks then work on yours.
-- However, you better focus on do yours, please don't rely on my to do your job. YES, YOU DO YOUR JOB. DON'T RELY ON MY TO DO YOUR JOB. I AM GLAD TO HELP, BUT, THAT WILL BE MY SECOND PRIORITY.
-- 她/他國能說, 咱也要能說. 不要光瞎幹活.

-- Skepe me, we can talk about this.

-- Stay in the job, take it easy.
-- Skype me if you need more help


